case studies
Mentorship program at a church in Kajiado county

Mentorship program at a church in Kajiado county

The boy child Foundation had a mentorship program in a church in Kajiado January 2022. The goal was to encourage the youth to attended church. The ratio of boys to girls who attended was 1:3. This shows that the boys have forgotten about God and have turned to other things.

Research shows that children who attend church regularly are happier, healthier, and better-adjusted. Plus, church is a great place for kids to learn morals, virtues, and the Word of God. We encourage the youth to attend church as it has benefits such as.

God Commands It

Youth need to go to church to have personal contact with other believers. When they meet together, they can inspire and encourage each other to grow in faith.

Church Provides a Loving, Supportive Community

Belonging to a good church is like having a caring second family. A church family is there to encourage, support, love, and help the youth in times of need and help with practical needs.

Church Provides Opportunities to Help Others

The church has all kinds of opportunities to help those in need. Youth can volunteer to work on community projects. Not only will this help the needy, but it will also instill the virtues of helpfulness, unselfishness, and generosity. In addition, it will teach them to put their problems in perspective as they witness the difficulties of others.

Church Provides Kids with Good Role Models

In church, the youth are surrounded by good role models. Their teachers and youth leaders inspired and challenged them to stay on the right path.

Church is a Great Place to Make Quality Friends

It’s been said that you become who you hang out with. The Bible says it a little differently: “He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed.” (Proverbs 13:20). That’s why it’s so important for the youth to have friends of good influence. Church is a great place to find those types of friends.

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